- The Troum "Sen" 2xLP is ready and will be released (by me and Drone Records to start with) on 10th January. Note that I am going away for Christmas (back to the UK) and I will not be around until the 2nd week of January. Copies have been sent to Stefan at Drone Records but no other distributor just yet. The record really does look spectacular and I hope to post some pictures when I can. The sleeve, the inserts, the pressing quality, the audio - it all works and I am very pleased with the final product.
- The Bass Communion "Pacific Codex" CD/DVD-A release has hit a pretty substantial technical snag. I won't go into details but the release date has had to be set back to February 2008 (maybe even a little later). This is a blow as I was hoping to release this at the same time as the Troum 2xLP. This set was very elaborate and when one goes for such a complex thing one is always asking for trouble. The music sounds outstanding and both CD and DVD-A just sound gorgeous (as you knew it would).
- The New Blockaders + DSM LP/7" should be ready by end of January 2008. The complex and heavy case-bound (tip-on style) sleeve caused huge problems at the printers. I will post news on this as soon as I know (it turns out that this is the first time they have tried to print this type of sleeve and they had [maybe still are having?] "teething problems" - oh well, can't be helped). While you're here make sure you check out The New Blockaders artists page via the Artists links on my web site. RR (of TNB) and I have been slaving to make this make have the absolutely definitive discography - no mean feat!
Just so you know: Plans are afoot for an LP by APSE (this is great), an "archive" CD of all the known recordings made by the great unsigned 1980's band from Southend-on-Sea (Essex, UK) called Taming The Outback (when you hear this you'll ask yourself "why on Earth weren't this band HUGE..."), possibly a limited 7" EP by the now-long disbanded extra-ordinary Norwegian band Munch (featuring a couple of unreleased recordings), a 2xLP by Aidan Baker (E=mc17). Note that this Aidan Baker LP was announced previously as a single LP with an extra 1-sided LP. We decided to go for a full double and Aidan is recording the extra music as I write this.
I also hope to go completely bonkers and - hope hope hope - to have enough funds to release the complete recorded works of Blind Joe Reynolds (6 tracks in all - a further 2 tracks have been "lost" and never found). All these recordings were made in 1932 - just Blind Joe and his guitar. He is simply one of THE most important, talented and brilliant Mississippi Delta Blues musicians ever and a pivotal Blues pioneer (just have a look at the history books). I appreciate this would be completely left-field - even for a daft little label such as mine - but I love his music, always have. I have secured the rights and want to make this the definitive archive release of Blind Joe - with essays, pictures and, well - a completely over-the-top package (as usual). If this gets done I really really really urge you to buy a copy, this is the real deal no-nonsense 100% pure and true Delta Blues, historically significant, brilliant and hugely influential.
There may also (I hope) be an LP by Fear Falls Burning working in collaboration with Yellow6 later in the year (they will go under a new collective name). Plus the long-announced and long-delayed archive CD by The Get plus, well, who knows: More stuff by my favourite artists.
Let's hope cash flow (well, really the lack of it!) doesn't kill my little efforts. Anyway - hope you have a great Christmas. Whoops, we're not supposed to say that anymore are we? We have to say some soppy half-arsed, half-baked greeting like "Happy Holidays". B*ll*cks to all that -Happy Christmas & Happy New Year
ps: I promise to post here more regularly. Especially as we get closer to more releases.